Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Memberwind.com Blog Contest


Memberwind.com a sister site of Crewind.com that truly is a gateway to six web-based product sites through which you can get free access to professional web design related products.

The accessible six sites with a single membership are as follows:

• brochurewind.com
• templatewind.com
• logowind.com
• bannerwind.com
• illustrationwind.com
• iconswind.com

The names of these websites give us an idea about the products offered such as brochures, templates, logos, banners, illustrations, and icons respectively. All you have to do to use these six sites is sign up for an annual membership at memberwind.com for just $39. Apart from access to the existing products, this membership also gives you free access to all the future products that would be updated on a regular basis.

To get yourself signed up, you can visit Memberwind.com to register and pay for your annual membership for all the six product sites. You can pay securely either through PayPal.com or 2Checkout.com according to which one suits you most.

Apart from offering free access to a range of quality website products for a one time fee, the memberwind site also provides excellent 24/7 live chat support for its customers to handle web design and maintenance related enquiries with respect to the products.

The Prizes

These are the prizes for 5 winners

First Prize

Get 1500 EC from thingsaboutcomputer.blogspot.com
Get Membership templates from buytemplates.net worth $99
Get Professional logo from logoangel.com worth $99
Custom Banner from bannerwind.com worth $149
125x125 pixel banner advertising in Eknol.Blogspot.com for two month
125x125 Pixel banner add advertising in silentslice.blogspot.comfor Two month
125x125 Pixel banner add advertising in bloggertricks4you.blogspot.co
for Two month

Second Prize

Custom banner from bannerwind.com worth $149
BuyTemplates.net membership worth $69
vista software icon packages from iconplant.com worth $43
150x80 pixel banner advertising in Eknol.Blogspot.com for one month
125x125 Pixel banner add advertising in silentslice.blogspot.comfor One month
Text link advertising in thingsaboutcomputer.blogspot.com for one month

Third Prize

Custom brochures designs from brochuremonster.com worth $79
Any two templates from BuyTemplates.net worth $60
BuyTemplates.net membership worth $49
Text link advertising in Eknol.Blogspot.com for two month.
Text link advertising in silentslice.blogspot.comfor One month
Text link advertising in http://allblogcontest.blogspot.com/ for one month

Fourth Prize

Any Two templates from BuyTemplates.net worth $60
Membership Products From Memberwind.com worth $39
Windows Theme icon packages from iconplant.com worth $27
Text link advertising in Eknol.Blogspot.com for One month
Text link advertising in bloggertricks4you.blogspot.com for One month

Fifth Prize

Professional logo from LogoAngel.com worth $99
Any One template from BuyTemplates.net worth $29
Text link advertising in Eknol.Blogspot.com for one month

And you shouldn't miss the contest, because:
Every participants will get one free templates fromBuyTemplates.net :) isn't that FUN!
BuyTemplates.net provides you professional website templates design that are easy to use in W3C Standard HTML coded web design.

Closing Date

The contest will end in March 28th 2009. So hurry up and submit your entry URL by posting a comment please! ;).
Don't forget to subscribe to Eknol Blog to receive updates about this Design <3 Gift contest.

If you have a question or even willing to contribute as a sponsor, you can always contact us by email: kainthblog@gmail.com
How To Enter

Comment on this post (1 entry) - compulsory
Post this contest include the sponsor and the prizes(5 entry) - compulsory
Put this blog on bogroll(3 entry) - compulsory

Source : http://eknol.blogspot.com/2009/02/freebies-and-free-ads-contest-enter-now.html